Imagine undergoing a dental procedure like a root canal or extraction without any memory of the time, pain, or discomfort. At Silver Summit Dental, we offer a solution! Residents in Herriman, Riverton, Bluffdale, Lehi, and South Jordan have access to sedation dentistry, which will ensure your experience is comfortable, safe, and stress-free. If you experience dental anxiety or have difficulty sitting through long procedures, sedation dentistry may be the perfect solution for you.

Sedation Dentistry is a Dental Anxiety solution

Sedation dentistry allows us to provide dental treatments safely and comfortably for patients who have a dental phobia and experience fear or anxiety when visiting the dentist. With sedation solutions, you can relax in your patient suite while your care team handles your dental needs. The benefits include:

  • No memory of the procedure
  • No sense of time during treatment
  • No sense of smell or sound
  • No fear or anxiety during the procedure

Levels of Sedation

We offer three levels of sedation to meet the needs of different patients:

  • Mild Sedation (Anxiolysis)​ — This is the lightest form of sedation and is typically used for patients with mild anxiety or for longer procedures. It is often administered orally, and you remain awake but deeply relaxed. Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is another form of mild sedation that helps you stay calm during your procedure.
  • Moderate Sedation — For patients with moderate dental anxiety or those undergoing more complex treatments, moderate sedation (also known as conscious sedation) is administered through an IV. You will remain awake but in a deep state of relaxation. It’s important to have someone accompany you to your appointment, as the effects of the sedative may take several hours to wear off.
  • Deep Sedation — With deep sedation, often referred to as “being put to sleep”, you may drift between consciousness and unconsciousness during your procedure. Patients often have no recollection of the treatment and will need to have someone accompany them home after the appointment.

How are sedatives administered?

  • Inhalation (Nitrous Oxide): Commonly known as laughing gas, this is the most frequently used method for easing mild to moderate anxiety. Recovery is quick, and you can return to your daily activities immediately after the procedure.
  • Oral Sedation: This involves taking a prescription pill about an hour before your appointment. By the time you arrive, you will feel relaxed and ready for your treatment.

Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You?

Sedation dentistry can benefit patients who:

  • Experience fear or anxiety about dental procedures
  • Have difficulty sitting still for long periods
  • Have trouble getting numb with local anesthetics
  • If you relate to any of these situations, sedation solutions can make your dental experience comfortable and stress-free.

Contact Us for a Consultation

At Silver Summit Dental, we are committed to providing a relaxing and safe environment for all our patients. If you live in Herriman, Riverton, Bluffdale, Lehi, South Jordan or the surrounding Salt Lake communities, and you are interested in learning more about sedation dentistry in Herriman, contact us today to schedule a consultation and find out which sedation method is right for you!